This recipe was passed down from my aunt. It's very fast to put together, and the end result is a delicious soft noodle in the middle of the casserole...
I used 95%-lean ground beef and sauteed it with fresh mushrooms and onion with garlic and mustard powder. You'll want to be sure to drain off any fat and...
I have been making this recipe for almost 20 years. It was the recipe my mom always made for us. Now my kids love it, too! It's always a hit, even with...
This is a great quick supper for busy nights, better for you than packaged hamburger meals, and I think it tastes better too! It's really easy to make...
Using broad egg noodles and Swiss cheese, this layered pasta dish is a delicious change from the normal pasta dish! It's a family favorite! Can be made...
Ultimate comfort food that includes egg noodles, cream cheese, cream of mushroom soup, and ground beef. Very rich, creamy, and totally satisfying on a...
This quick beef stroganoff recipe is always requested by my husband and boys for birthdays and special occasions. It is so quick and easy to fix, who am...
After searching for years, I have found the ultimate mac-and-cheese recipe. Use low fat or fat free ingredients if desired. Tastes great either way. For...
My children love spinach because of this dish! Makes a fast, easy, and delicious supper. Add slices of grilled chicken breast if you have meat lovers in...
Passover perfection. Created this recipe over 20 years ago and it is enjoyed just as much now as it was then. Even folks who aren't sure about 'sweet noodles'...
This recipe is easy to make and feeds a crowd. Great to freeze also! This can be made more low-calorie by using ground turkey, fat free sour cream and...
This is a delicious vegan Korean noodle dish that is typically served cold, but is also very good hot! Korean meets vegan in this quick and easy japchae...
Delicious!!! Ingredients you usually have on hand, easy to make, and mmmm mmmm so good! Makes a big casserole to feed a big family or split it in two and...
I just love the Reuben sandwich so I wanted to create a casserole version. It turned out delicious! My son came home from football practice and brought...
A sticky satay sauce makes these Indonesian pork kebabs impossible to resist. You can cook them under the grill or on the barbecue. If you prefer chicken...
This is a clan favorite from the early years. Everyone in the family makes it and has been enjoying it since childhood. It's quick, cheap and gets better...
A quick, low-meat, low-cost yet delicious meal. I came up with this while living in Japan where meat is very expensive. This is a very forgiving recipe...
Egg noodles are layered in a casserole with two cheeses and a tasty meat and veggie mixture. Serve with a nice Caesar salad and some garlic bread for a...
An egg noodle/chicken casserole with celery, onion, carrots, mushrooms and a creamy cheese sauce. This was brought to us by one of our kind church ladies...